Call IMS for an alternative to PB, Neopost or Hasler postage meters. We also offer a wide selection of letter openers, folders, postage equipment/software, inserters, direct impression printers, mailroom furniture, supplies and more. Our manufactuers include FP Mailing Solutions, Omation Letter Openers, Intimus, Hamilton Sorter Furniture, Martin Yale, Postmatic Inc. and many specialized office and mail room manufacturers.
IMS offers a wide variety of units for small office environments, up to the larger office environments.
We offer solutions and provide customers a choice. We are not just another phone call.
Our page is being redesigned, please call our office for additional information. 614.583.0951 440.546.7818 330.372.6200 419.861.8184
MSRP: $28.00
Price: $14.95
You Save: $13.05 (47 %)
* Whole number only
Postage Tapes
FP - Postbase20, i2, Mini, Vision S3, S5
Many small Quadient(Neopost/Hasler) and Pitney meters can use.
MSRP: $125.00
Price: $105.90
You Save: $19.10 (15 %)
* Whole number only
PostBase Ink
MSRP: $283.00
Price: $225.90
You Save: $57.10 (20 %)
* Whole number only
MSRP: $124.00
Price: $109.90
You Save: $14.10 (11 %)
* Whole number only
MSRP: $209.00
Price: $199.90
You Save: $9.10 (4 %)
* Whole number only
MSRP: $149.00
Price: $139.90
You Save: $9.10 (6 %)
* Whole number only